MedFet doubles with Madame Li Ying

So, I recently did My first set of doubles with the AMAZING Madame Li Ying. We’ve spent some time together before, but this is the first time we’ve offered double Domme sessions together.

Isn’t she amazing?

Unfortunately, all of our MedFet doubles sessions sold out within a matter of hours, they were really, really popular.

If you want to stay abreast of what’s happening, then it’s worth following My Twitter account:

Madame is a consumate professional. We had such a good time together and got to do some fun MedFet scenes together.

Everyone who attended was blown away, so we’ll probably have to arrange some more dates, later in the year…Follow My Twitter and I’ll keep you up to date!

In the meantime, why not go and check out Madame Li Ying’s website here:

Soft or hard play?

I’ve been meaning to do a proper post on this, but I’m not sure there’s enough content for it.

I occasionally get comments on some of My Twitter photos along the lines of “That looks really extreme – not for me!”

And do you know what? Not every session I offer IS that extreme.

Each and every one of My sessions is catered to the individual patient. Some patients just want a very relaxed, calm, almost gentle session. Lots of strokes, a calming voice, blankets etc. Some patients want their balls skewered.

I practise, SSC. Safe. Sane and Consensual. YOU decide what level of play you want in your session, not Me. I then craft a fun and delightful time for us both, based around your limits.

Which do I prefer? Well, both have their fun points, but really it’s all about the connection between Me and My patient.

Traditional or Latex?

Another question which seems to cause some confusion is whether I’ll be wearing a traditional nurse uniform or a latex outfit during our medical session.

As much as possible I try to accommodate My patient.

There are some days I can’t do an exact outfit requirement, but certainly, if you prefer traditional, I will happily wear a traditional outfit, if you like latex, I’ll wear a latex outfit.

I’m sure you won’t be disappointed! 😉


My Medical Fetish Loyal Fans page is doing extremely well!

If you’d like to see more of what I get up to in the Milton Keynes MedFet suite, head over and take a look 🙂

New MedFet room coming soon!

And finally, a bit of a teaser… I have a new MedFet themed room coming soon.

It’s pretty close to being completed. Just last-minute things like mirrors and storage to be sorted…

In true ‘Miss Kimberley’ fashion, I’m still deciding on a name for the new room, which as anyone who knows Me will know, is super important.

I’ll try and get everything finished for a big announcement next month.

Bye bye for now.

MK xxx

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