Milton Keynes MedFet clinic

I just wanted to take a bit of time to explain a little bit about My space, that I am now calling the ‘Milton Keynes MedFet clinic’. Catchy title isn’t it? I get a lot of questions about Me and the clinic from MedFet lovers all over the world, especially on FetLife for some reason. […]

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Enema play at the Milton Keynes Medfet Clinic

Rest assured that your enema will be administered by Matron personally. A genuine healthcare professional and previously an NHS nurse with over 20 years of experience. To book YOUR enema play MedFet session in the clinic, please apply for a session by completing the form here:

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E-stim or Electric Medfet play

E-stim or Electric Medfet play is when I use electricity to create gentle tingles or intense buzzes throughout your body, depending on your experience and My mood! Safety First! E-stim or electric play is absolutely NOT suitable for anyone with a heart condition, whether that be a current or an existing condition. This is non-negotiable. […]

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