I just wanted to take a bit of time to explain a little bit about My space, that I am now calling the ‘Milton Keynes MedFet clinic’.
Catchy title isn’t it?
I get a lot of questions about Me and the clinic from MedFet lovers all over the world, especially on FetLife for some reason.
Anyway, I thought it would be easier to type a few blog posts out, rather than keep answering individual emails.
I was a nurse for nearly twenty years, working in the NHS. I hold two nursing-related degrees and spent a lot of My time working in high-security facilities.
I know I may look sweet and retiring, but I am a tough cookie!
Yes, I have seen an awful lot, some of which would turn your stomach.
Having worked in and around medical spaces for nearly 20 years, I wanted to make my space as authentic as possible.
It’s easy to go to Ebay or a fetish stockist and buy lots of machines and beds and ventilators.
When I looked at other medical spaces while creating My own, they looked a bit… well, fake to Me.
I wanted a space that looked like you might actually be visiting an NHS facility to have treatment.
Not just lots of bells and whistles, but a believable space.
I have (of course) had to make some concessions to the fact that actually, this IS a fetish space.
The hard plastic chairs just didn’t make the cut!
However, I am very happy with the effect I’ve achieved, especially with My Fetters bed.
This is the centrepiece of the MedFet clinic, an authentic NHS theatre bed, a one-off by Fetters.
The clinic still isn’t finished, I’m not sure it ever will be really.
But My main aim is that when you walk in it takes your breath away, with clean lines and a genuine authentic feel.
If you’re interested in booking a session at the Milton Keynes MedFet clinic with Me, please complete the application form here:
Miss Kimberley x